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Develop and use a classification tool

What is a classification tool?

A classification tool (tool) is a questionnaire, computer program or other interface that allows a person or artificial intelligence to classify content. Industry can use approved tools to classify online films or computer games in Australia, instead of applying to the Classification Board.

Tools use algorithms and logic rules that reflect the criteria in the National Classification Scheme. This ensures tool decisions align with Australian legislation and Classification Board decisions.

When a tool has classified a film or computer game, it sends us the decision using an Application Processing Interface (API), and it is published on the National Classification Database (NCD).

Decisions made by approved tools are taken to be decisions of the Classification Board.

Approved classification tools

There are 4 tools approved for use in Australia:

  • IARC Global Rating Tool for mobile/online computer games
  • Netflix Classification Tool for online films and TV series
  • Spherex Classification Tool for films and TV series
  • Amazon Classification Tool for films and TV series.


How do I develop a tool?

The department help industry to develop a tool and seek Ministerial approval. We also monitor and evaluate the performance of approved tools.

Developing a tool

An individual, entity or group can develop a tool.

We work with tool developers to:

  • program their tool logic
  • test the API and integration with the NCD
  • assess the accuracy of tool decisions against the criteria
  • execute contractual documents
  • seek ministerial approval of the tool.

Please contact us for more information on developing a tool.

Getting a classification tool approved

The Minister must approve a tool for use in Australia.

The tool approval guidelines contain matters that the Minister must consider when deciding to approve a tool. This includes that a tool must:

  • produce ratings and consumer advice that are consistent with Classification Board decisions
  • be able to refuse classification to content
  • respond to changes in the National Classification Scheme
  • give notice of decisions to the NCD.

The Minister can:

  • approve a tool with conditions
  • enter into an arrangement with the tool owner relating to the tool’s operation
  • vary the approval conditions upon mutual agreement with the tool owner
  • revoke the approval if the tool does not meet its conditions or obligations.

Once my tool is approved, what happens?

Using your tool

Once approved, tool owners and users can start submitting classification decisions through the API to the NCD. It is a timely and cost-effective option for classifying content.

A tool owner can also use these classification methods if they do not want to use their tool to classify a specific film or computer game:

Applying tool decisions to other formats

A tool decision for a film or computer game will apply in Australia to all other formats of that film or game, providing they are identical to the version classified by the tool.

You can learn more on our classify once webpage.

Getting an approved classification tool certificate

The Classification Board can issue an approved classification tool certificate (tool certificate) to developers and publishers if they need confirmation that a tool decision applies.

The Board can only issue a certificate if the classification decision has been published on the National Classification Database. Decisions published on the National Classification Database can be located via the search-bar above.

If the decision is not on the National Classification Database, an application for classification can be lodged with the Classification Board. Apply for classification.

A tool certificate can only be issued for content that is identical to the original film or computer game that has been classified by the tool.

The developer or publisher must declare that the versions are identical, or any modifications are exempt from classification.

If the tool decision does not apply to other formats due to modifications that are not exempt from classification, the Classification Board will not issue a tool certificate.

Computer games classified using the IARC Global Rating Tool

For computer games classified through the International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) Global Rating Tool, the IARC classification decision must be published and displayed on the National Classification Database before an approved classification tool certificate can be issued by the Classification Board. Decisions published on the National Classification Database can be located via the search-bar above.

If the game is not published on the National Classification Database, it can be classified by application to the Classification Board. The tool certificate process is not suitable for games that have not been digitally released and do not have a published classification.

If the computer game is published on the National Classification Database, the applicant also needs to declare that the game requiring a certificate is identical to the game classified through the IARC Global Rating Tool. The developer or publisher must declare that the versions are identical, or any modifications are exempt from classification.

Before issuing the certificate, the Classification Boardmay exercise its power under s22CH(1)(b) of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 to revoke and change the tool classification. In this case, the Classification Board’s rating and consumer advice will appear on the certificate.

To assess the tool classification, the Classification Board may request further information, including information on interactive elements such as online interactivity or in-game purchases. The Classification Board may also request gameplay footage related to the content. At this time, there is no cost associated with tool certificates. For further information on applying for a certificate for a tool classification, please contact us.

Monitoring and evaluating tools

We monitor and evaluate the performance of approved tools. This includes:

  • the Classification Board checking tool decisions
  • checking services display the rating and consumer advice
  • working with the tool owner to update tool logic where needed
  • evaluating the performance of the tool.

Checking tool decisions

The Classification Board may choose to check a tool decision:

  • upon request of a Minister, tool owner or publisher
  • if the rating is too high
  • if the rating is too low
  • if the consumer advice does not reflect the content.

The Classification Board may require the tool owner or publisher to provide access to the content (i.e. the film or the gameplay footage). You can provide it via:

  • a link to an online platform or website
  • Box
  • digital delivery, or
  • a physical copy delivered to the Classification Board’s office.

Revoking tool decisions

As a result of a check, the Classification Board can revoke a tool decision if it is of the view the content should have a different rating or consumer advice.

If the Classification Board revokes a decision, it will:

  • classify the content and produce a new decision
  • publish the new decision on the NCD
  • notify the tool owner of the new decision.