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Research and publications

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Community research

Market research is undertaken to gauge consumer standards and behaviour, which is important in policy formulation. In general, this involves members of the community in qualitative or quantitative studies. Please be advised that some of these reports may contain coarse language and other potentially offensive content.

Classification community standards research

Classification usage and attitudes 2022

Computer games content

Survey results into loot boxes and simulated gambling in games

Community standards and media content

Classification usage and attitudes 2016

Classifiable elements, impact descriptors and consumer advice

Stakeholder and practitioner consultation

Classification ratings—research with the general public

Efficacy of film and computer game classification categories and consumer advice

R 18+ for computer games—public consultation

Research reviews

Research reviews are specifically undertaken in support of the development of policy advice. This type of research includes the sourcing, interpretation and application of findings from research already undertaken by experts in a number of different disciplines.

Harms associated with loot boxes, simulated gambling and other in-game purchases in video games: a review of the evidence

The impacts of violent video games from an Australian perspective

The impact of playing violent video games on aggression—literature review

Parliamentary Committee reports and submissions

Parliamentary Committees provide an opportunity for organisations and individuals to participate in policy making and to have their views placed on the public record and considered as part of the decision-making process.

Government response to the Senate Committee Inquiry into the National Classification Scheme

Government response to the House of Representatives Inquiry into billboard and outdoor advertising

Submission to the Senate Inquiry into personal choice and community impacts

The House of Representatives Inquiry report into billboard and outdoor advertising—'Reclaiming Public Space'

Australian Law Reform Commission report

March 2012—The Australian Law Reform Commission tabled the Final Report Classification—Content Regulation and Convergent Media (ALRC Report 118)