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Assessment of likely classification

To advertise an unclassified film or computer game, you must have an assessment of the likely classification of the content.

Authorised assessors can also make an assessment of the likely classification of an unclassified film or computer game.

Pay the fee

The fee is $590. Your application will be processed when we receive your payment.

Submit your application

Applications are submitted via the Classification Portal.

Please submit the correct documentation, content and fees. Any omissions will delay the application.

Include with every application

  • a copy of the trailer or computer gameplay footage, if available
  • a detailed synopsis of the film or computer game
  • details of major cast and credit lists (for films only)

Include as many of the following as possible

  • details of foreign classifications
  • available foreign advertising
  • ‘making of’ footage
  • ‘sizzle’ reels
  • detailed reviews and media comment
  • posters and official images
  • detailed production notes
  • scripts and screenplay information
  • information from official websites
  • information about the intended audience
  • a statement of contentious material within the film/computer game

The Classification Board may ask for more material if there is not enough information to make an assessment.

Applications can be submitted via the Classification Portal. All documents and content should be submitted through the portal.

Trailers and digital footage can be submitted via Box in the portal.