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Classify a publication

This section is for anyone applying for classification of a submittable publication with the intention to sell or advertise it. A submittable publication is one that is likely to be restricted to adults because it:

  • contains depictions or descriptions likely to cause offence to a reasonable adult
  • is unsuitable for a minor to see or read

This section also outlines the requirements and process for applying for a serial declaration for a publication that is released periodically. 

Pay the fee

Your application can be processed when your payment is received.

The fee is based on the total number of pages in the publication, including the covers and any fold-out pages.

Number of pages Fee
0–76 pages $420
77–152 pages $480
153–252 pages $560
253–500 pages $790
501–800 pages $1,230
More than 800 pages $1,860
Modified version $210
Serial declaration $1,080

Submit your application

Applications can be submitted via the Classification Portal. Please submit the correct documentation, content and fees. Any omissions will delay the application.

Include with every application

  • A copy of the publication, including the exact same content (including advertisements) and modifications (if any) that will be in the version placed on sale.
  • The correct fee.

Proof prints must be bound and of acceptable quality. Black and white prints of colour pages will not be accepted.

Modified version

If you are applying for classification of a modified version of a previously classified publication, you must provide details on any post-print modifications or alterations, including page numbers and descriptions.

The serial declaration scheme

If you sell a publication that is released periodically, you can apply for a serial declaration. A serial declaration provides significant time and cost savings.

Rather than apply for a classification each time a new issue of the publication is released, you can have one issue classified.

That classification will apply to all future issues for a fixed period of time. The content of future issues must comply with the classification of the original issue.

Decisions on granting a serial declaration and its duration will take into account:

  • the classification history of the publication
  • the history of compliance with previous serial declarations

Compliance with a serial declaration

A publication covered by a serial declaration may be audited at least once during the timeframe of the declaration.

If the issue being audited does not comply with the conditions of the serial declaration, the original applicant will be invited to provide a submission about why the declaration should not be revoked.

If the serial declaration is revoked, no future issues may be released under that declaration from that date.

Include with applications for serial declaration

  • If the issue on which you wish to base the serial declaration has not yet been classified, an application for classification of that issue.

You may also provide:

  • A written statement outlining the steps you will take to ensure future issues of the publication will not contain material that exceeds the classification of the original issue.

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